The Open Run Manifesto

Liberating Software for All

Imagine a world where any software, any code, just runs. No more complex setups. No more compatibility issues. Just pure creation.

We're entering an age where coding's power is accessible to all, not just developers.

For too long, we've accepted artificial barriers between code and execution. Developers waste nearly half of their productive time—up to 56%—just setting up and maintaining their development environments. This isn't just inefficiency; it's a creativity killer.

We've seen countless open source contributions and collaborative efforts stifled by complicated development environments, intricate setup processes, and the all-too-familiar "It works on my machine" predicament.

This isn't just lost time; it's lost creation.

No more.

Imagine if every developer could instantly dive into coding, regardless of the project or technology stack.

Let's build a future where AI handles the complex task of setting up and configuring software.


  • Checking out a repo and having it run instantly, without any manual intervention
  • No need to read lengthy readme files or follow complex configuration steps
  • A world where the focus is on creation, not on fighting with setup processes

Today, infrastructure-as-code configuration files offer a solution, but widespread adoption remains limited. Even among those who use them, maintenance can be inconsistent. The goal is to automate these configuration files, which simplify environment setup but are often absent or overly complex. We should make them standard for all projects globally, allowing anyone to run any code instantly.

We are taking a first step: automating dev container creation with This open-source initiative paves the way for a future where all code is instantly accessible and runnable by anyone, anywhere.

We need your help to achieve this goal. Join us in making instant-run software a reality for all developers.

Let's build a world where code isn't just open source, but free to be used by anyone with an idea.

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